Dermaplaning Pre/Post Care Instructions
Pre Treatment Instructions
Please let your Esthetician know if you are on any medications (topical and/or oral), have any medical conditions, or are being treated by a physician for any conditions.
Let your Esthetician know if you have been diagnosed with cold sores or Herpes Simplex.
No shaving, peels, waxing, or aggressive exfoliation one week prior to Dermaplaning Treatments.
The Procedure
There is no pain or discomfort during the Dermaplaning Treatment.
It is best to relax and allow your Esthetician to move and manipulate the position of your head and face.
Try to remain still.
There is no gum chewing allowed during the treatment and talking will be restricted by your Esthetician at certain key times during the treatment.
Post Treatment Instructions
Use the Post Treatment Kit by Alumier MD skincare which is included with facial for at least 7 days with Sensi Calm Cleanser, Recovery Balm, and Sheer Hydration SPF sunscreen
Avoid sun exposure as much as possible for a minimum of 3 days post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply SPF 30 or greater, reapply often, wear a wide brimmed hat, and seek shade when possible. Be careful of sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily to protect yourself from sun damage and skin cancer.
Avoid excessive heat 3 days post treatment, i.e. heavy workouts, hot yoga, steam rooms or saunas, etc.
Avoid chlorine in swimming pools and hot tubs for 24 hours.
Avoid facial waxing for 7 days.
Avoid dermal fillers or Botox for 2 to 4 weeks based on area.
Do not pick, scratch, or aggressively rub the treated area.
No scrubs, polishers, or aggressive brushes should be used on area for 7 to 14 days.
Do apply serums as absorption levels will be elevated!
You may experience slight peeling for the first few days. Slight windburn sensation and/or blotchiness are normal for the first few days. Skin care products may tingle or slightly burn for the first 2 days.
For best results, Dermaplaning Treatments are recommended every 3-7 weeks